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Lasix (Furosemide)

Lasix tablet is a diuretic (water pill), a medicine that helps to remove water and sodium from the body through urine. It is used to treat high blood pressure either by itself or in combination with other medications. It is also used to treat conditions like heart, liver, or kidney disease that cause an excessive build-up of fluid in the body tissues, primarily in the feet, ankles, and legs.



Generic Lasix (Furosemide)

Lasix tablet is a diuretic (water pill), a medicine that helps to remove water and sodium from the body through urine. It is used to treat high blood pressure either by itself or in combination with other medications. It is also used to treat conditions like heart, liver, or kidney disease that cause an excessive build-up of fluid in the body tissues, primarily in the feet, ankles, and legs.

Lasix Information :

Uses :

Lasix Tablet is used to treat oedema (a build-up of fluid in the body), high blood pressure, and heart failure. It is a member of a class of medications known as diuretics, which increase the production of urine. A chronic condition known as hypertension, or high blood pressure, is characterized by a high force of the blood against the arterial wall. The heart must pump more forcefully the higher the blood pressure. It consequently causes heart problems, irregular heartbeats, and other issues. High blood pressure can result in oedema, which is swelling caused by bodily fluids becoming trapped in the tissues of the hands, arms, feet, ankles, and legs.

The way that Lasix Tablets function is by making the kidneys secrete more urine. It effectively treats oedema, or swelling, brought on by heart, liver, kidney, or lung disease as well as excess fluid levels in the body. As a result, the heart has less work to do and can pump blood throughout the body more effectively. As a result, it assists in lowering hypertension, which lowers the risk of a heart attack or stroke.

You can take this tablet with or without food. Your clinical condition may influence your doctor’s decision regarding the treatment’s dosage and length. For ease of remembering, take it at roughly the same time every day. Take this medication as prescribed even if you feel better. Your condition might get worse if you quit taking it without first talking to your doctor.

Precautions & Warnings :

To help your doctor determine whether furosemide is safe for you, let them know if you have ever experienced any of the following: low blood pressure (hypotension), liver disease, diabetes, gout, Addison’s disease (a rare disorder of the adrenal glands), gout, signs of dehydration (thirstiness, dry mouth), and electrolyte imbalance. Without a doctor’s advice, you should not take Lasix Tablet if you are pregnant or nursing a baby.

Side Effects :

The following is a brief summary of some of the mild side effects that oral Furosemide tablets may have. Consult your physician or pharmacist, or review the prescribing information for Furosemide oral tablet, to find out about additional mild side effects.

Furosemide oral tablet mild side effects that have been documented include:

  • diarrhea
  • urinating more than usual
  • constipation
  • dry mouth
  • nausea or vomiting
  • headache
  • dizziness

Many medications have mild side effects that usually go away in a few days or weeks. Consult your physician or pharmacist, though, if they start to cause you problems.

Interactions :

Lasix tablets have the potential to cause serious side effects and interact with other medications that lower high blood pressure, such as atorvastatin, metoprolol, ramipril, and hydrochlorothiazide. In addition, it interacts with drugs that suppress the immune system (like cyclosporine), treat erectile dysfunction (like sildenafil), treat seizures (like carbamazepine, phenobarbital), relieve pain (like aspirin, ibuprofen), and treat irregular heartbeats (like sotalol). Consult your physician if you take any of the aforementioned medications.

Lasix tablets may interact with the following medical conditions: Addison’s disease (adrenal gland disorder); ototoxicity (hearing loss); electrolyte abnormalities; anuria (patients producing no urine); low blood pressure; gout (a type of arthritis); and diabetics.

Overdose :

If someone has overdosed and is experiencing severe symptoms, such as unconsciousness or difficulty breathing, call 911. If not, immediately contact a poison control center.

Missed Dose : 

Try to take it at the same day every day. Do not double the dose if missed.

Storage :

Store at room temperature away from light and moisture. Do not store in the bathroom. Keep all medications away from children and pets.


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